Another Great Idea
So what am I going to DO ABOUT IT?
Going through my email today, like every other day. I came across an email that was from a person I corresponded with recently.
It was on a business opportunity I inquired about. We spoke on the phone about a week ago. I was on his site and from there taken to a funnel that led me to a request to speak to me by phone, I agreed.
On the site, you filled out a form that set a time I would be available to talk. While waiting and anticipating his call I thought about the business proposal. It sounded good but all businesses can sound good if you know how to present them. There’s where many beginners get in trouble. I can make you millions on paper. to make them in real dollars is a whole other story. The ones you sometimes learn the hard way. I don’t mean to say I hope you have a hard time learning.
No, I hope you learn so as not to repeat them.
My mind is going through the idea in real terms. I mean, looking at all the work that will be involved to produce some income.
If you ever been in business don’t matter what business you’re in, you know the fundamentals that every business needs. Then I started thinking about things special to this business. All the day to day operations and expenses. Would I like this business or no it not for me?
The phone rings, it’s Phil from the website. Now I’ll get all the details he was keeping to tell them to me in person. I liked that. It gave him more credibility.
In the call, he disclosed all the details of the day to day operation and how much you can earn.
The call ended with pleasant good-bys. I said I’ll give his offer consideration and we’ll get back in touch.
After Much Consideration
It’s been a week or more now and notice his email in my inbox. Upon opening, it’s a review of the opportunity. What’s interesting is what came into my head next.
Thinking about the idea just presented to me, I thought this business is not what I’m looking for. Not that it was a bad idea. It was a great business idea with a proven profitable model. Just not for me.
At this stage of life I,m looking not to retire but not to have to do much physical work. I did physical work my whole life and my body is broken from it. Not to complain, I loved my work. Age has a way of making us change. Just the continuing cycle of life.
As I thought more about it I got an inspiration. Just from the short talk we had, I came up with a whole other idea. From just looking at things from a different perspective.
This changes everything
By seeing a great appeal this idea would have in solving one problem, also applies to a verity of other similar but unrelated problems. It interesting how just one idea could inspire countless others.
I don’t know why it seems that many people thinking about going into a business to take a hard road.
Not having any experience in business it’s an easy mistake to make. You could have years of experience working in the business your considering.
You could be a manager with full responsibility. It’s still not the same.
When It’s yours, you give it life, you have everything riding on it. And you have no idea what your in for.
The reason I’m mentioning this is to give you food for thought. There could be an easier way to start your business. One where you get the low hanging fruit. The hidden idea everyone is overlooking.
Us humans as a strange breed. We just can’t help ourselves. We’re attracted by the shiny objects. the trending the popular.
Unfortunately, these are for the big dogs. The ones that attract the big money, tough competition. Yes, there is a great opportunity here. Do you think you can go there?
Can you measure up? Can you compete? Hardly a chance.
Don’t let that stop you. I not trying to discourage you. Just the opposite. I like you to stop. Give your idea thought. What could I be doing differently that everyone else is overlooking?
Brainstorm your idea. Look at it from different angles. How could I do this differently than competition?
When We Take Our Filters Off
Not to go on about me and my ideas, but to see how inspiration is all around us, it’s just how we look at the things we see around us every day but never give them much though.
I’m sure you’re wondering what the business idea was, Right. Well just to say for thought’s sake. What’s it worth to turn trash into treasure? I’ll leave you with this. The details are not important. How we look at things through what filters do we see them through. That’s the key.
So What Am I Going To Do About It?
I think this one is worth some more thought. With all the ideas swimming around in my head, it feels like it’s going to explode. So I’ll have to take a nap. A nap, yes, I need to get myself focused. I need to get my thought in order and calm down all the noise. You know what I mean. So off I’ll go and catch up with you soon.
Thanks hope you enjoyed