Member-only story
Starting Your Business, Make Sure You Tell Everyone

They won’t know unless you tell them.
Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement.
You are starting your own business. Your anxiety is growing stronger every day. The closer you get to the opening, the more you realize the things you don’t know.
Do you have a business plan prepared? If you don’t, I suggest you prepare one before going further.
Even if you’re at the starting gate, it will help in many ways. Sure, you have a plan of some sort. You have outlined what some of your costs are going to be. You might even have building plans.
Do you have a marketing plan?
As I learned as a small business person, it’s one of the most important ones of all.
Have a love for business and small entrepreneurs businesses in particular. Today there’s so much opportunity to learn from successful entrepreneurs.
If you watch and follow any business rescue programs, you can’t help but realize how important marketing is. If you didn’t have a plan for it, you soon wish you had. The thought will come to you when you’re wondering where all the customers are.